onsdag 16 februari 2011

Middlefords new police officer

Mr Owerkil failed the rifel test

A new police officer in Middleford has been appointed. After a hard examination containing tests for intelligence, strength, bravery and ability to make strong coffee five young lads were found appropriate for the service. To separate these five from each other even harder tests were preformed. Skills with rifle, handgun and catapult were tested as well as the ability to help old ladies over the street without making a riot.

The last test were really difficult for the lads since no old lady would admit being old when asked about it, especially not if the question came from a young handsome man. Fortunately the rugby game was over and the test was changed to: Helping drunken unstable supporters get on the train. One lad Owen Stevenson completed this test with brilliance. He got everybody on the train including the other competitors and judges by shouting “Free drinks in third class”. He then closed the doors and signed for the engine driver pull out. This was the first time the Sunday train left on time after a rugby game.

Mr Owen Stevenson is now the new police officer in Middleford but first he have to learn how to read and write. Unfortunately nobody thought about testing that before he was employed. But as Mayor Flint said “A solid performance could hide an ocean containing lack of knowledge”. 

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