fredag 4 november 2011

The Bank crash!

The financial situation of Bank of Middleford is right now not the most brilliant. The new money transfer system by telegraph has been working out quite well but the investment side of the bank has not. Due to lack of investors the director of the bank, Mr Pinot, decided to take matters in to his own hands and started a fraud of large scale. By using the telegraph he managed to make counterfeit transfers in the name of Papandopulus. A name he borrowed from a Greek friend who did not mind. So far it worked out well if it had not been for Papandopulus using Mr Pinots name in a fraud against some German and French banks.
Mr Pinot to the right after a Tennis match against Papandopulus to the left
In the far back the Fench representative

It all burst open when the representative of the French bank came to Middleford to negotiate the interest rate of the latest investments. Mr Pinot is right now in custody, Papadopulus is missing and Mayor Flint is worried. Fortunately Mr C managed to recover most of the money by reverse engineering. He simply used the transfers that were telegraphed and made the same transfers in a negative number but in a high-speed transmission. Papadopulus did not have the time to interrupt the line from his hideout before the money was back to the Bank of Middleford. This so-called speed telegraphing was done by the famous telegrapher Eddie Eightfinger.
Eddie Eightfinger to the left in this picture. The picture taken before the speed telegraphing was made. In the centre of the picture Mr C with a fake moustache

söndag 18 september 2011

The Accident!

The Experimental Train Company in Middleford conducted a so-called live test on their latest invention, a liquid fired engine. The purpose of the invention is to use a more “clean” fuel than coal and to use a fuel that is locally produced. The MacWall distillery does express their gratitude to the invention and does promise to produce as much fuel as possible.

The Inventor Mr Errol Jones is pleased to present his patent regarding the nozzle that mix the fuel with pure oxygen or pure hydrogen.

Mr Errol Jones the inventor was pleased.
The first run was quite successful and the engine reached a top speed of 105 mph. On the way back the engine driver filled the tank with more fuel before he set of. Unfortunately the fireman got a taste for the fuel and in a state of less sharpness he mixed up witch handle to turn for oxygen and for hydrogen. In a desperate state of making a  quick decision he decided to turn both of the handles at the same time. The speed reached was terrifying and both the driver and the fireman decided to jump of the engine or to be more correct the fireman more or less fell of the engine. In an act of bravery Mr Jones saw the runaway engine and throw the switch in the signalbox and sent the runaway engine on a sidetrack.

The engine hit the stop and got air born. The explosion that followed was devastating. Luckily no body was injured and the engine was quickly put a way from the public. But three weeks later a letter reached the Experimental company where Germany was asking for the blueprints of the newly invented flying bomb.

The only picture of the engine before it was taken away

torsdag 8 september 2011

The World Cup in Rubgy!

Middleford RC have made a proposal to the Rugby Football Union to host the World Cup. The letter was written on a tablecloth from The Black Swan signed by no less than the captain in the team Mr Oswald. The reason given for hosting the World Cup was the lack of tweed tasting ale and railway system in France. In some blurry handwriting one could transcript the word garlic and snails but not the whole sentence. Mr Oswald was very pleased with the idea and in a state of joy that only Stoffton Brewerys ale can give you he sent it away with the mailman.

The team before the letter was written in the pub
Mr Oswald to the right

The RFU has in their answer to Middleford RC written as follow:
“ Dear sirs!
Firstly we would like to thank you for your letter. We are not sure we understood everything you mentioned in your letter but can insure that we have no intentions stealing your best players for a tournament we have not heard of nor did know existed. We will take the proposal in consideration but think that Middelford is a bit to small to host a tournament of large scale taking in consideration that you sent the same invitation to France, Germany, Italy and some other countries we have not heard of.

We did not taste your cloth but it was a bit damp and we can insure that it smelled like tweed we don’t really understand why but it kind of made sense to the rest of the letter.

We do appreciate your effort but must decline your proposal

Mr Farnham

P.S. Where on earth are Mombunu and does Sweden really have a rugby team?”

söndag 3 juli 2011

The Fox Hunt!

As a tradition Sir Randal has invited the nobles of Middleford to Swivelness farm to participate in the yearly fox hunt. In this case the nobles of Middelford contains, among others, Mr Incognito because nobody really knows who he is but appears to be important, Mayor Flint because everybody knows who he is and the Russian Chargé d’affaires because he represents the diplomats in Middelford. Needless to say, Mr Incognito activated Mr C to blend in among the others in the hunting team.
Mr Incognito with Herbert

The hunt it self started out quite splendid, if you were a fox. Firstly the beagles seamed to fancy the smell from the kitchen before they went of for the real hunt. Unfortunately the information from the Russian foreign ministry to the Chargé D’affaires regarding the fox hunt was wrong. The Chargé D’affaires dashed of on his new horse stressing the Beagles to their maximum speed and still losing. 30 of the 32 dogs fainted before they reached the first fence.

The Russian Chargé D'affaires was misinformed and failed the dress code
To save the situation Sir Randal persuaded the Middleford Rugby Club to help him in scaring out at least something that could be shot. After three long hours with out a single fox to be found the forward John Daglish got a plan of how to end the misery with the hunt. He ran over to the Farm and “borrowed” Mrs Randals fox scarf from last years hunt. The idea was as simple as it was brilliant. On the way out to the pastures he also borrowed a hog from the pig stable. With some work the hog was all dressed and ready and was chased out in the open. Sir Randal was a bit surprised over the sound from the fox and that it was a bit fat. But to be a good sport he gave the shot to the Chargé D’affairs who not only missed the “fox” but also by accident hit John Daglish in the rear. The Rugby team turned as one man and ran after the Chargé D’affairs over the fields back to the consulate.

DI Stevenson is having some problems. Reports regarding a big fat fox ruining gardens in Middelford have started to drop in. Some stating that the fox not only ruins the gardens but also makes a terrifying scream. Some people says its an omen that the world is coming to an end. The Chargé D’affaires, in his turn, is having problems explaining to the Russian Foreign Ministry why he cant leave the consulate.

torsdag 19 maj 2011

A New Consulate

Mayor Flint is glad to announce that Russia has decided to open a new Consulate in Middleford. The grand opening will be held in a short while but first they had to find a building for the consulate. After a couple of days the Russian Consulate was opened in a building next to the Middleford Shoelace factory.

This in its turn gave Mr Incognito a headache and after pulling a few strings he asked Mayor Flint to act in the interest of Middleford. Since Police officer Stevensen famously lacks the skill of reading, is colour blind and have a bad judgement he was promoted by Mayor Flint to become detective inspector. In this position he will not be able to do any harm since there hardly are any crime in Middleford to investigate and his contact with the public is narrowed down to a minimum. Especially since the new Russian diplomats found officer Stevensen a bit annoying trying to understand were the town Russia were.

The new lad to replace DI Stevensens is no less than Gregor Stue from Witless. Every morning he rides his Penny-farthing to work and the high position on the boneshaker gives him a splendid view over the landscape and the area he is guarding. Or as he use to say “ No crime to small no boneshaker to high!” This in its turn gave Mayor Flint a bit of worries since he did not want any crime for DI Stevensen to investigate.
Gregor Stue before he became Mr C

On one of officer Stues patrols Mr Incognito stopped him and asked if he could help Middleford Shoelace factory with some intricate matters. The rumours had it that the Russian consulate was trying to get information from The Andersen Fabulous Steel Spring factory. Officer Stue was glad that he could help Mr Incognito and accepted the task. Mr Stue is now walking around in Middleford in a big coat and a hat. The new Russian consulate is being under surveillance by the Middleford Shoelace factory.  If Stue was to contact Mr Incognito he should use his new code name “C”. 

onsdag 30 mars 2011

Preparing for the Olympic Games

In Middleford as in many other villages in England there is a sports club that gives young people the ability to participate in sport activities. In Middleford Sir Bridge and Miss Little manage the sports club.  Miss Little is quite good in fencing and use to practice with the other ladies at the club. This would have been unthinkable some time a go but since Sir Bridge has a crush on Miss Little he allows the ladies to participate in the club.

One day Sir Bridge decided to start practicing for the new event in Athen 1896 called the Olympic Games. His goal was to qualify to the masters foil and hopefully win the event. To impress on Miss Little he challenges her in a match on the masters foil. After the match that Miss Little won by 10 – 1, giving one point to Sir Bridge as good sportsmanship, Sir Bridge proposed to Miss Little since he figured out that if he could not win in the masters foil he could win her hart. The wedding is planed after the games in Athen.

Miss Little with the heart that Sir Bridge won

Mr Gordon Peter who won “The Longest of Races” will participate in the bicycle race in Athen but needs a service team to help him during the race. Dave Hickory has volunteered for the task but needless to say Gordon turned him down but mentioned at the same time that France needed a good service man. 

onsdag 23 mars 2011

The Great Race

The Middleford Bicycle Club held their annual bicycle race called “The Middleford Tour Championship”. The president of the club, Mr Stowe, is very pleased to show a strong starting line for Mayor Flint who is given the great privilege to give the start signal to the competitors. The favourite to the victory for the bookmakers is Mr Jeff Barns cycling for the Black Swan Team, he gives 0.7 back on each pound sterling.

The french bikes with air filled tubes
The examination of the competitors by doctor Igor Mortis before start gave nothing to worry about for the team managers. The Andersen Fabulous Steel Spring Team uses the new bikes produced in France with tubes filled with air while The Black Swan Team and others uses penny-farthings with extra big wheels.

The race was of and first to Witless was young Gregor Stue racing for The Witless Dragons Team chased by Mr Jeff Barnes for The Black Swan Team both racing on Penny-farthings. The Andersen Fabulous Steel Spring Team were having a lot of difficulties since the tubes on their bikes tended to have flat tyres and were more or less out of the race. Two accidents occurred but it was nothing Dr Igor Mortis couldn’t manage to great relief for the president of the club and the undertaker.
Gordon Peter before the
water stop

On the way back to Middleford from Witless malt master Dave Hickory at the water stop made an unfortunate mistake. All the teams got raw spirit from the Macwall distillery instead of water in their bottles. Needless to say the teams had a hard time making it back on their bikes. But Gordon Peter from the Witless Dragons Team managed to make it across the finishing line first. The race was later called “The Longest of Races” since the last one to cross the finishing line did it three days later or to be more correct Mr Jeff Barnes was missing for three days until someone found him singing in a ditch half way to London.

onsdag 9 mars 2011

The end of the line!

Mayor Flint is in deep problems. By telegraph he has found out that the foreign secretary The Earl of Kimberley is on his way to Middleford. The Earl is not pleased with the action taken by the Middleford Shoelace Factory in a small North African town last week. The story has it that workers from the factory arrived at night in small vessels from Italy to sell, as they said, shoelaces. But unfortunately the Osman Empire army arrested them and accused them for belonging to the organisation Shoestring Associated Salesmen (SAS).

Mr Incognito
playing croquet
The Earl of Kimberly is not
pleased with the situation
Mayor Flint has no idea what is going on in the Middleford Shoelace Factory and even worse, he has no clue what the code Mi6 stands for that’s written on some of the wagons that arrives to the factory. In his contacts with the factory manager Mr Incognito the only enlightenment he got was that the factory is number six in the Middleford Shoestring Factory complex in Brittan and that’s why they mark the wagons Mi6 for Middleford six. Mayor Flint is not convinced.

Even worse Police officer Stevensen said that he would investigate the matter. Right now he is working as a signal man at the Middleford Railway but besides the fact that he cant read he is also colour blind witch creates some problems since he can’t tell the different between a red handle and a green handle in the lever frame.

This colour blindness gave Mayor Flint some time to catch his breath when Mr Stevenson used the wrong handle in the signal box and switched the train that the foreign secretary used to Witless junction the end of the Middleford Railways.

onsdag 2 mars 2011

The King is arrested

To implement law and order in Middlefords more obscure areas Police officer Owen Stevenson is patrolling the areas close to the railway station and the park Kings Garden. The reason for this is the worry that younger women feel when they walk in these areas on their way to and from the station. Some people call the area: “The slum of Middleford” or “The disgrace of Middleford”. Mr Stevenson has so far been successful in his bravery to fight crime and Mr Jenkins dog that use to scare people. 

Unfortunately Mr Stevensons ability to read is, as we all know, poor and his ability to understand art and culture is even poorer. So if Mr Stevenson had been able read the Middleford Journal he would be aware that a theatrical company would perform in the Kings Garden. If he then had been a bit cultural he would have noticed that it was the Famous History of the life of King Henry the Eight by Shakespeare this time portrayed in the 18th century. Sadly for the actors Mr Stevenson did not recognize this and acted instantly on the scene where a woman was to be beheaded with a big axe. This was probably the only time Anne Boleyn was saved and the King arrested.
Middleford Theatrical Company having a tea break before the catastrophic event occurred. Sam Niel on the right is now in custody for attempted murder.

The Middleford Theatrical Company is now looking for a new actor who, on a short notice, can play the leading role as King Henry the eight.

onsdag 23 februari 2011

The return of a Hero

The Andersen Fabulous Steel Company, which is famous for delivering the springs to the seats in the Metropolitan Opera in New York, have made a new brilliant deal to deliver steel springs to the Swedish army. The new springs are invented to keep the Swedish armed forces white flags flying even in a mild summer breeze witch earlier had been a problem that almost paralysed the armed forces capability to engage in war fighting. The mastermind behind the deal is no less than Edward Andersen. His contacts with King Oscar the second of Sweden has now grow deeper and hopefully Mr Andersen will be able to sell some of the products from Middleford Shoelace factory that been irritating the neighbourhood to the Swedish army as chemical weapons.  

King Oscar the second is pleased with the deal
that will give his army new courage
Mr Andersen on the train from Stockholm
after the deal has been signed

Unfortunately the deal with Germany failed since they saw no reason in using white flags. 

onsdag 16 februari 2011

Middlefords new police officer

Mr Owerkil failed the rifel test

A new police officer in Middleford has been appointed. After a hard examination containing tests for intelligence, strength, bravery and ability to make strong coffee five young lads were found appropriate for the service. To separate these five from each other even harder tests were preformed. Skills with rifle, handgun and catapult were tested as well as the ability to help old ladies over the street without making a riot.

The last test were really difficult for the lads since no old lady would admit being old when asked about it, especially not if the question came from a young handsome man. Fortunately the rugby game was over and the test was changed to: Helping drunken unstable supporters get on the train. One lad Owen Stevenson completed this test with brilliance. He got everybody on the train including the other competitors and judges by shouting “Free drinks in third class”. He then closed the doors and signed for the engine driver pull out. This was the first time the Sunday train left on time after a rugby game.

Mr Owen Stevenson is now the new police officer in Middleford but first he have to learn how to read and write. Unfortunately nobody thought about testing that before he was employed. But as Mayor Flint said “A solid performance could hide an ocean containing lack of knowledge”. 

lördag 12 februari 2011

A plan is nothing planning is everything

In Middleford the Railway is slowly making progress. The inhabitants are quite tired of having to wait for the train at a station without tracks. Mr Templot have done a lot of effort to make the ride as smooth as possible but facing the challenge to combine passenger traffic with goods traffic is almost to much for him. Especially the odour from the wagons that Middleford Shoelace factory is using. Tons of used shoestrings are sent to the factory to be recycled to new strings. Well that’s what the inhabitants think but nobody has seen the inside of the wagons. The mysteries surrounding the Middleford Shoelace factory is getting darker and more .

The transport of goods from and to Stoffton Brewery takes a lot of shunting and it’s a duty that engine drivers fights about to do since they get bribed paid in ale and beer. Stoffton Brewery is enormously famous for its strong ale and malt master Charles Hickory whom drowned in one of the brewery tanks. That’s why the Stoffton Ale has a significant taste of tweed witch is asked for among ale connoisseurs all over Middleford. After the tragic death of their malt master Stoffton Brewery decided to employ a new malt master from the Hickory dynasty, Charles less intellectual brother Dave Hickory, and to give the workforce cotton clothing.

Right- or left hand traffic?
The office for planning and building railways in Middelford announced that the track plan for Middleford is finshed. The project will cost a lot and the project manager is not quite sure how long it will take to complete the task or how much labour it will take. But one thing is clear: No one will be responsible for failures, economic disasters or if the railway will effect the milk production on Swivelness farm. One thing is unresolved and that is if there should be left-hand or right-hand traffic on the single track. 

onsdag 9 februari 2011

Ability to lay track Zero, ability to make big plans One

A lot of springs to be installed
As always the story goes beyond the building part. Life in Middleford is quite ruff now days, No railway even though Mayor Flint promised in the latest elections that this would be done. Well its time to put our act together and start out with the station. Middleford station is a small station with plenty of goods coming in to be delivered to Stoffton Brewery and Macwall distillery. The farms produces meat and wool and the Middleford shoelace factory together with Andersen Fabulous Steel Springs have some gods both arriving and leaving the plants. Andersen Fabulous Steel Springs are famous for delivering steel springs to the seats at the Metropolitan Opera in New York 1883. The Middleford Shoelace factory is famous for not being famous. Discretion is their trademark. They are so discreet that nobody, except the workers, knows about the factory well at least a majority of the workers know about it. Some still thinks they are unemployed with pay.

On the passenger side it’s mainly the morning- and afternoon trains that are crowded on weekdays. But on Saturdays the supporters of Middleford RC fills the train to se the game. Unfortunately there are less people leaving the games in time to catch the train back due to problems to let go of the handlebars at the bleachers.

Well back to Mr Templot to start working. Maybe God makes a siding today. 

söndag 6 februari 2011

Law and order in Middleford!

Well given Macwall distillery and Stoffton Brewery Middleford really needs a police force. There have been a lot of truble outside the Black Swan and Mrs George has been complaining about nightly disturbance. Even the local rugby team, Middleford RC, are having a difficult time keeping the supporters standing during a whole match. Even though they invested some money in handlebars to hold on to when the world starts spinning to fast. Unfortunately this only increased the problems since supporters would not leave the bleachers because they were afraid of falling down. The only organisation that has not been affected by this “problem” is the church quire but on the other hand nobody comes to church on Sundays, at least not before noon and absolutely not before they are able to let go of the handlebars at the Middleford RC.

But who will be able to face the challenge to be a police officer under these circumstances. The butcher’s sons are quite well built and are famous for their ability to take initiative as well for their lack of judgement. Well in this matter we must not hurry, there are many good boys out there in Middleford just waiting for the opportunity to become a policeman. We just have to find one that full fills the qualifications, legality, strength and ability to make strong coffee.

The transport sector is now growing and a brand new loading stage have to be built together with a new signal box and a coaling stage. There are plenty of work to be done and miracles only works on Tuesdays or when ever God feels for working on the layout.

lördag 5 februari 2011

And there was a distillery!

This is my blog called “The art of being God”. Since I’m creating a small world inhabited by small people in 4 mm scale I have to be their God. So far they got a brewery, Stoffton Brewery, and a town called Middleford. A town in England or if its in Scotland perhaps in Cornwall or if its in Wales. You figure it out. But all the names, locations and happenings are my own fantasies so don’t be offended (also the bad spelling).  The year is 1894.

On the seventh day God decided to create another big business in Middleford. Glenwall malt distillery. To much joy for the villagers one could say. Purely single malt is produced and the business is blooming thanks to two in-house brands: Glenwall 25 years and MacEcner 18 years. MacEcner is the smoother one of the two and is more or less classified as the ladies whiskey down at the Black Swan. Glenwall is the rougher one and is well known for making men out of boys and keeping the hands of doctor Igor Mortis disinfected. The rumour has it that the malt master Dexter Glower only works on the Glenwall single malt on rainy days when the temperature is below zero, inside the distillery. The biggest secret is that the whiskey is aged in a butts imported from a calvadose distillery in France. But to prevent this secret to come public the butts are marked “salt herring from Iceland”. The roumor has it that Glennfiddich some other distillery tried to use Butts from Iceland but with a catastrophic reslut

The Glenwall is delivered in a square bottle witch prevents the bottle rolling away from the owner while he is lying down on the ground. The inventor of the shape was the former mayor in Middleford, sir Archibald who during a meeting 1823 by mistake dropped his bottle witch in its turn rolled over to the opposition leader Andrew Mclochland. To prevent this form happening again he invented the square bottle.

Now it is time to go back to the program Templot to make another shunting yard for the distillery. Perhaps Stoffton Brewery will gain from this and their famous tweed tasting beer will be exported.

torsdag 3 februari 2011

Om konsten att lägga räls!

Det finns de som påstår att måttet på spårvidden på en modern järnväg beror på romarna och bredden på deras hästars bakdelar. Den vedertagna standarden på  spårvidd är 1435 mm eller 4 fot och 8,5 tum. Ett väldigt jämt och lätträknat mått. Hur blev det så? och varför tog man inte ett jämt tal? Jo det beror helt och hållet på att de som först byggde järnvägsvagnar hade axlar från de hästdragna vagnar som de byggde. Då man ville att alla vagnar skulle gå i samma hjulspår för att inte förstöra hjulen höll man sig till den standard som de som byggde vägarna, romarriket, hade. Rom hade nämligen byggt sina vägar efter bredden på en vagn som fick plats bakom två hästar. Så när du nu känner att det är lite trångt på tåget så vet du att det helt och hållet beror på romarriket och två taniga hästars bakdelar. Engelsmännen var först ut med denna standard redan 1845. Inte standarden på hästarnas bakar utan spårvidden. Rörigt? Vänta bara!

Spårvidd på franska
Spårvidden är  innermåttet
Bild från Wikipedia 

Naturligtvis finns det undantag från denna regel. Rysslands spårvidd är bredare med sina 1520 mm men det beror på ett gammalt felaktigt industrispionage skulle jag tro. Naturligtvis är Ryssland av hävd en spionerande nation. Ryssarna skickade över en mästerspion till England då man hört att de körde vagnar på järnräls. Mästerspionen mätte upp yttermåttet på spårvidden och skickade hem uppgiften att det var 5 fot brett. Tyvärr angav han inte att detta var yttermåttet utan felaktigt började man bygga en järnväg med 5 fots spårvidd mätt som innermått. Då vet vi hur det ligger till med detta, eller så är det bara fantasier. Men onekligen spännande med ryska spioner.

Själv lägger jag räls med hjälp av programmet Templot det blir både snyggt och enkelt. Allt får byggas för hand men i skala 00 är räls inte särskilt tungt. Det blir riktigt snyggt och skalenligt då jag kommer att lägga så kallad Bullhead räls som används i Storbritannien i stället för flat-bottom som i har i Sverige.

I Middleford är det annars mycket lugnt, inget av värde finns att rapportera förutom att personal från det ryska konsulatet är ute och provmäter räls i smyg. Detta då man fått order hemifrån att vagnarna man beställt inte passar den ryska stambanan. Har man mätt fel? Det var den förre konsuln som skickade det första måtten till Ryssland efter ett långt besök på puben "The Black Swan" där det goda tweedsmakande ölet från Stoffton Brewery inmundigades i allt för stor mängd.

söndag 30 januari 2011

Storbritanniens modernaste lok!

I går på Top Gear visades Storbritanniens modernaste lok eller i vart fall det senaste som tillverkats. Peppercorn heter loket och är en nyproduktion av ett lok tillhörande A2 class. Frågan som uppstår är om det är bakåtsträvare som styr lokproduktionen eller är det så att man återvänder till beprövad teknik för att klara klimatförändringar. Väldigt lite elektronik i detta lok. Kanske något för SJ

Något som alltid fascinerat mig är varför SVT inte kan göra ett liknande program med samma typ av koncept. Men sedan inser jag att det bara är britterna som kan göra bra minnesvärd TV. Morse, Morden i Midsummer och Teletubbies för att nämna några program som satt outplånliga spår i min hjärna av olika anledningar. Kanske är det därför som jag valt en tidsepok som dessa inte porträtterar. 1895 en tidig försommardag. Kan kanske vara en tidig försommareftermiddag men det blev för långt att skriva.

Hur går det då i min egen lilla värld? Har småfolket blivit bönhörda eller famlar de fortfarande i mörker. Tja då jag ännu inte sagt varde ljus måste elen dras och lamporna kopplas in. Men spårplanen fungerar och här kommer ett snabbt klipp på hur snabbt kulturbärare och springpojken Ian Smith stiger på tåget vid Middleford station. På axeln bär han en lite tunna med det eftertraktade ölet från Stoffton Brewery med sin säregna Tweedsmak.

fredag 28 januari 2011

Är allt som det skall eller är det brittiskt?

En av anledningarna till att jag började med brittisk förebild till min modelljärnväg var att jag kände en viss lockelse till det udda trevligt excentriska brittiska.

"Det är dimma över Engelska kanalen! Europa är isolerat!" 

Tycker jag säger en hel del om det brittiska kynnet. För i vilket annat land skulle premiärministern i TV säga att en av hans ministrar dött en naturlig död. Detta med vetskapen att ministern hittades med en damstrumpa över huvudet och en apelsin i munnen på grund av någon form av sexlek intressant hobby. Naturlig död för Eton pojkar kanske?

Nog om detta. Det som komplicerar brittisk modelljärnvägshobby är deras förmåga att blanda metriska mått med fot och tum i en samma tabell. För att ge ett exempel: den mest vanliga skalan i Storbritannien är 00 det vill säga 1/76. Eller som britterna uttrycker det: 4 mm på modellen motsvarar 1 fot i verkligheten. Detta betyder att standardrälsen som man köper är för smal med sin spårvidd om 16,5 mm. Lyckligtvis bryr sig inte britterna om detta, eller nästan alla britter, det finns de som är modelljärnvägstalibaner ordentliga. Med enveten frenesi skapar dessa personer egen handlagd räls med spårvidden 18,83 mm, sällskapet heter Scalefour society och kallar sin skala P4 eller S4.

Det är inte lätt att vara Gud över en värld som inte vet vilken skala de är i och än mindre vilken spårvidd de har på sin järnväg. Dessutom saknar de en plats att tillbe mig på. Men lugn, jag håller nu på att bygga ett bryggeri så de lättare skall kunna få kontakt med det spirituella. Stoffton Brewery är namnet på bryggeriet som just nu håller på att färdigställas, oerhört berömda för sin öl och maltmästaren Charles Hickory som drunknade i en av öltankarna. Det sägs att det är därför ölet har en viss smak av tweed.

kartongmodeller med viss finess.

torsdag 27 januari 2011

Välkomna till Om konsten att vara Gud

Som ni kanske märker så handlar detta om att bygga en egen värld i skala 1:76 eller 00 som skalan kallas i Storbritannien. 
En så kallad Pug.
Därav det så djärva men tämligen intetsägande namnet på denna blogg. Kanske känner man sig lite som Gud när man får bestämma allt i en ny värld befolkad av figurer gjorda i plast. Kanske känner man sig ganska mycket som Gud.

Tittar man noga ser man att det är damernas väntrum
Gud tänker på jämställdhet.